Eat Lucano - chi siamo

Who We Are

The project “Eat Lucano" was inspired by the idea of four Lucanian inhabitants, Rita, Milena, Giuseppe e Serena. We decided to promote our home land through its enogastronomic heritage.Our vision was born from the desire of redemption of our always underestimated land, able to generate excellent homemade products like the ones you can find on our website. 

What is Eat Lucano?

Eat Lucano is way more than an online food shop: it is a network of food producers from Basilicata; a space where you can find the most delicious products entirely made in this region; a shop where you can trust thehigh quality of every product s they have been carefully selected from us personally and devotedly produced by the firms. Recently Eat Lucano is also one of the first IAD (Domestic Food Company) authorized in Basilicata: this allows us to produce and sell on our e-commerce our fantastic marmalades and jams and, soon, much more... 

Our mission

Searching for the best food firms all over Basilicata and building a business network that operates with the same aim: to develop their home land. 

What does "best firms" mean?

Eat Lucano hasn't searched for the most popular firms. Most of the them are small realities, ancient family-run businesses or new young innovative projects. What we are looking for is quality: many of the products we choose are certified, so it means several controls in every supply chain phase. Each of them has been produced respecting the natural process of the good itself.

About our slogan

"Basilicata in a click" is not only a simple slogan, it is what we want to create: an accessible journey in a beautiful land. Passing through traditions, flavours and tastes, we hope you can feel what we feel, smell what we smell, live what we live.

What we offer

Thanks to a continuous research, we’ll present you several products that mix tradition and innovation and that will allow you to taste our culinary tradition. You can customize your box releasing your fantasy and your drool so as you can enter into the magic world of our land discovering the typical Lucanian cuisine, coming from centuries of tradition and history.

Eat Lucano ti informa:
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