Almond Biscuits 350g Panificio Carioscia


Almond Biscuits 350g Panificio Carioscia

INGREDIENTS: wheat flour, almonds, eggs, sugar.

90% made from almonds, with sugar and
a small percentage of flour. After being toasted and reduced to flour, almonds are mixed with sugar, eggs and flour. They were once offered on wedding lunches or on the most important occasions of the year: Christmas and Easter.

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Almond Biscuits 350g Panificio Carioscia

90% made from almonds, with sugar and
a small percentage of flour. After being toasted and reduced to flour, almonds are mixed with sugar, eggs and flour. They were once offered on wedding lunches or on the most important occasions of the year: Christmas and Easter.

INGREDIENTS: wheat flour, almonds, eggs, sugar.

Additional information

Weight 0,35 kg


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