Caciocavallo Podolico semi-aged (~300g)


PAT certified (PAT is an official approval for traditional Italian regional food products) and produced using Podolica's milk, a breed of domestic cattle, that donates a slightly savoury and scented taste. Caciocavallo podolico is a stretch-curd cheese, produced using milk from cows that are only fed in pastures; then the milk is transformed within the 24 hours after the hand milking.

The owner Giuseppe Sarubbi breeds his cows in Chiaromonte using tradional and ancient methods of milking and transhumance. You can try it sliced or, why not, even melted.

ATTENZIONE! Trattandosi di un prodotto di nicchia, la disponibilità dello stesso è soggetta alla stagionalità.


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PAT certified (PAT is an official approval for traditional Italian regional food products) and produced using Podolica's milk, a breed of domestic cattle, that donates a slightly savoury and scented taste. Caciocavallo podolico is a stretch-curd cheese, produced using milk from cows that are only fed in pastures; then the milk is transformed within the 24 hours after the hand milking.

The owner Giuseppe Sarubbi breeds his cows in Chiaromonte using tradional and ancient methods of milking and transhumance. You can try it sliced or, why not, even melted.

ATTENZIONE! Trattandosi di un prodotto di nicchia, la disponibilità dello stesso è soggetta alla stagionalità.


Additional information

Weight 0,3 kg


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