Canestrato Cheese from Moliterno PGI (~350g)


It is mainly produced with raw sheep's milk and a minimal quantity of raw goat's milk. In order to obtain the PGI certification, the canestrato must be aged in the fondaci of Moliterno, cold, dry and ventilated warehouses only located in Moliterno at an altitude higher than 700 metres.

The cheese wheel has a circular shape with a diameter of 20-25 cm, 10-15 cm high and it weighs from 2 to 5 kilos. The aging is variable according to the flavour: 6 months for a delicate and sweet taste; from 6 to 12 months for a more intense and spicy flavour; over 12 months for a salty and aromatic flavour, perfect to be grated.

ATTENZIONE! Trattandosi di un prodotto di nicchia, la disponibilità dello stesso è soggetta alla stagionalità.

Canestrato Cheese from Moliterno PGI (~350g)

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It is mainly produced with raw sheep's milk and a minimal quantity of raw goat's milk. In order to obtain the PGI certification, the canestrato must be aged in the fondaci of Moliterno, cold, dry and ventilated warehouses only located in Moliterno at an altitude higher than 700 metres.

The cheese wheel has a circular shape with a diameter of 20-25 cm, 10-15 cm high and it weighs from 2 to 5 kilos. The aging is variable according to the flavour: 6 months for a delicate and sweet taste; from 6 to 12 months for a more intense and spicy flavour; over 12 months for a salty and aromatic flavour, perfect to be grated.

Canestrato Cheese from Moliterno PGI (~350g)

ATTENZIONE! Trattandosi di un prodotto di nicchia, la disponibilità dello stesso è soggetta alla stagionalità.

Additional information

Weight 0,35 kg


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