Extra Quince, Pumpkin anda Cinnamon jam 220 g Eat Lucano


Extra Quince, Pumpkin anda Cinnamon jam 220 g Eat Lucano

Ingredients: quinceS pulp (75%), pumpkin pulp (25%) cinnamon powder, water, lemon juice, sugar.

A classic of traditional cuisine and thanks to the delicious combination of quinces and cinnamon is perfectly accompanied with both sweet and salty. The addition of pumpkin gives this jam a touch of original sweetness.

The word "EXTRA", according to law, guarantees the use of high quantities of only whole fruit, the absence of sulfur dioxide and preservatives.

Jams and marmalades are produced in our domestic laboratory (Home food enterprise) as authorized by the competent authorities.

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Extra Quince, Pumpkin anda Cinnamon jam 220 g Eat Lucano

A classic of traditional cuisine and thanks to the delicious combination of quinces and cinnamon is perfectly accompanied with both sweet and salty. The addition of pumpkin gives this jam a touch of original sweetness.

The word "EXTRA", according to law, guarantees the use of high quantities of only whole fruit, the absence of sulfur dioxide and preservatives.

Jams and marmalades are produced in our domestic laboratory (Home food enterprise) as authorized by the competent authorities.

Ingredients: quinceS pulp (75%), pumpkin pulp (25%) cinnamon powder, water, lemon juice, sugar.

Additional information

Weight 0,38 kg


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