Coriander Honey 250g EatLucano


Coriander Honey 250g EatLucano

Il miele lucano, inserito nell’elenco dei prodotti agroalimentari
tradizionali (P.A.T.) della regione Basilicata, viene prodotto mediante
l’allevamento delle api nelle arnie affinché possano produrre questo
nettare sublime in totale comfort. Il miele, lasciato a maturare
nell’alveare, viene estratto per centrifugazione, senza alcun
trattamento che ne modifichi le proprietà benefiche e le qualità
organolettiche e nel rispetto della stagionalità.
Si presenta di color ambrato, dal sentore delicato e
ricco di sali minerali.

A secret tip!
if your honey looks crystallized, don't worry: it depends from the higher concentration of glucose than the sugar fructose, its benefical qualities are preserved!

Being a niche product, its availability is subject to seasonality.

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Coriander Honey 250g EatLucano

The Lucanian honey is P.A.T. certified (P.A.T. is an official approval for traditional Italian regional food products) and it is produced naturally raising bees in apiaries to make them work in total comfort. The honey, aged in the beehives, is extracted by centrifugation without any treatment, in order to preserve its beneficial properties and its organoleptic qualities respecting the seasonality.
Our honey has has an amber color, a delicate flavour and it's rich in minerals.

A secret tip!
if your honey looks crystallized, don't worry: it depends from the higher concentration of glucose than the sugar fructose, its benefical qualities are preserved!

Being a niche product, its availability is subject to seasonality.

Additional information

Weight 0,41 kg


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