Abbracci Tarallucci Panificio Carioscia 330g


Abbracci Tarallucci Panificio Carioscia 330g

INGREDIENTS: wheat flour, sugar, eggs, olive oil, lactose-free milk, ammonium bicarbonate, bitter cocoa - lactose free.

The Biscuits Abbracci are the famous two-tone sweet shortbread in which the white dough embraces the black half giving life to a greedy and crumbly taste. Among the best cookies ever perfect for breakfast, soaking but also to munch on your own for a healthy snack!

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Abbracci Tarallucci Panificio Carioscia 330g

The Biscuits Abbracci are the famous two-tone sweet shortbread in which the white dough embraces the black half giving life to a greedy and crumbly taste. Among the best cookies ever perfect for breakfast, soaking but also to munch on your own for a healthy snack!

INGREDIENTS: wheat flour, sugar, eggs, olive oil, lactose-free milk, ammonium bicarbonate, bitter cocoa - lactose free.

Additional information

Weight 0,33 kg


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